
Orchid Flasks

Orchid Flasks are supplied as Flasks of 15 and Flasks of 25 seedlings of good size

Cym. Cali Night x Cym Valley Reagent Flask

Cym. Cali Night x Cym Valley Reagent Flask

D. Rutherford Starburst Tinonee x D. Bellambi Titan Gold

D. Rutherford Starburst Tinonee x D. Bellambi Titan Gold

D. speciosum Windemere x D speciosum 'Daylight Moon 'Flask

D. speciosum Windemere x D speciosum 'Daylight Moon 'Flask

Phal. Lollipop x Self Flask

Phalaenopsis Lollipop x Self Flask of 15 seedlings

D. Bellambi 'Titan Gold 'x Australian Rhubarb Pie Dark Beauty

D. Bellambi 'Titan Gold 'x Australian Rhubarb Pie  Dark Beauty  Flask of 15 seedlings

D. Special Artist Flask

Dendrobium Special Artist Flask of 15 seedlings

Adaglossum Summit Frenchtown x Wils. Tan Treasures 'Puppy Pleasures''

Adaglossum Summit Frenchtown x Wils. Tan Treasures 'Puppy Pleasures'' Flask of at least 15 seedlings

( Den. Black + Gold Midnight Tooradine Massacre ) xx D.speciosum Daylight Moon

( Den. Black + Gold Midnight Tooradine Massacre ) xx D.speciosum Daylight Moon Flask of 25 seedlings